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电子发烧友网>通信网络>通信设计应用>Pulse Template Measurement

Pulse Template Measurement


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template --声明创建模板I
2022-09-09 10:43:20501


您好,我有一台HP8648D S / N 3613A00395,只要RF打开,它就会在LCD上显示PULSE。该装置没有也没有安装脉冲选件。除此之外,该单元出现在校准中并且工作正常。知道为什么会这样
2018-10-19 11:38:42

Measurement & Automation 5.0版和Labview8.5 安装问题

`Measurement & Automation 5.0版和Labview8.5 都装了 ,然后再使用这个指令的时候还提示没有正确安装Measurement &amp
2013-04-18 21:10:04

Measurement & Automation怎么配置USB设备

想用LABVIEW8.2与一种带USB口的产品通信,但做了INF文件后,在Measurement & Automation设备里就是找不到USB设备。
2013-09-26 19:52:55

Measurement studio 程序的部署

在没有安装Measurement Studio的电脑上,能不能运行Measurement studio开发的程序?
2019-06-05 22:57:24

Pulse Encoder这个设备是如何与STM32的硬件管脚发生关联的

各位大佬,以下关于pulse Encoder设备的应用有以下疑问:关于注册:rt_device_t rt_device_find(const char* name);这里查找的设备是在哪里注册
2022-08-17 14:09:04


   九层妖塔 起于垒土【蓝桥杯】—{模块}—{显示部分Part2:数码管}数码管一、原理图:二、`while(1)`死循环扫描写法1、Template数码管初始化:2、Template动态数码管
2021-12-09 08:00:15


2022-09-09 15:57:53


采用Waijung Blockset.整体模型如下:pulse的时间设置延时设置:延时时间0.5s
2021-08-17 09:19:17

NI Measurement & Automation打开后只能显示软件

安装了labview2011后,自动安装的NI Measurement & Automation,打开后只有软件显示,电脑上的串口什么的都显示不出来。
2012-03-22 17:21:07

NI Measurement Studio 创建项目失败

先安装visual_studio_2010_professional然后再安装NI Measurement Studio 2012 for visual_studio_2010然后再激活软件!最后在新建项目时候失败到底是什么原因呢?纠结了很久,特来求助,不甚感激!
2013-02-24 16:01:48

Out of Band Spurious Measurement for Bluetooth Modules:This application notes

Out of Band Spurious Measurement for Bluetooth Modules:This application notes describes the out
2009-09-24 09:09:48

Power Measurement Application联机帮助的可打印PDF版本

This is a printable PDF version of the Power Measurement Application online help.
2019-11-01 14:21:07


我想在 S32DS 上构建 RSDK_S32DS_template,但是失败了。S32DS 3.4版本,安装路径:D:NXPRSDK版本S32R45_RSDK__1.0.0,安装路径:D:NXP我有
2023-03-23 08:19:25


原子程序工程模板 Template工程模板 全部资料51hei下载地址: STM32工程模板.rar
2018-07-04 05:38:25

Signal Studio for Pulse Building Option 420技术概述

An 8-page overview of Signal Studio for pulse building covering the main features, benefits, and ordering information.
2019-09-18 09:05:37

Spectral Measurement

小弟现在的采样程序中的Spectral Measurement,(Singal input:sinawave,30Hz,Vpp=1.0V,offset=0,Phase=0),NI USB-4432
2013-04-26 17:21:08

Vision-Golden Template Comparison

在使用vision assistant 的golden template comparison时有以下两个疑问,请各位工程师指教一下1, 在vision assistant设置好golden
2017-07-27 14:10:58


The Keysight Z5623AH81 Pulse Test Set adds pulse measurement to the E8362B PNA Series Network
2019-09-27 07:07:02

[求助]add template to clipboard ?的功能?

为什么用PROTEL 的时候常要将TOOLS/Preference/graphical  editing/options/add template to clipboard 的功能去掉。翻译过来就是为什么常要将模板复制到剪切板的功能去掉?
2008-11-13 22:51:27

this is the application template and cannot be run alone

求助,程序一点开,就弹出“this is the application template and cannot be run alone”对话框,再点“OK”就关闭了,运行不起来!
2014-06-28 18:27:53


2020-11-05 07:02:34

为什么evaluate measurement里的plot window template一直错误呢

本帖最后由 buxiaotanke 于 2013-3-1 18:54 编辑 测低通滤波器的截止频率,我想在途中标出来,但是measurements只能找到值,用plot windows template提示表达式错误,求助!!!
2013-03-01 18:50:16

为什么在Measurement里找不到DAQ Assistant

本人菜鸟一枚,现在在学习LabVIEW里的数据采集部分,要用到Measurement里的DAQ Assistant,显示的提示是:未能正确安装Measurement&Automation Explorer或仪器I/O助手,请从LabVIEW Driver CD安装这些组件。我该怎么做呢?
2013-09-11 10:37:35

关于vision assistant里的golden template comparison的template

我想测量一辆车的高度。我通过摄像头获取一辆移动车辆的2帧图,我想运用golden template comarison把第一张图作为template和第二张图比较,并且取反差值的最高点。请问怎样
2015-03-04 20:56:15

如何实现pulse sensor模块基于51单片机程序设计?

如何实现pulse sensor模块基于51单片机程序设计?
2022-02-07 06:33:33

如何将vison template editor加载到labview程序中

我用labview做golden templlate处理,如果每次模板都要单独打开template editor处理模板,不符合项目要求,我想把template editor工具加载到labview程序中,在前面板放置一个按键,用时直接点击打开就行,不知道该怎么实现,求指点
2013-09-06 12:20:51


2022-01-11 08:27:29


2021-08-04 08:52:59


2021-08-24 07:18:43

有大神知道心率传感器pulse sensor 的工作原理吗?

有大神知道心率传感器pulse sensor 的工作原理吗?有大神知道心率传感器pulse sensor 的工作原理吗?有大神知道心率传感器pulse sensor 的工作原理吗?有大神知道心率传感器pulse sensor 的工作原理吗?
2018-04-12 17:21:32

树莓派上运行pulse sensor

pulse sensor是一个心率传感器,但是大多数资料都是在arduino上运行的,有没有大神知道怎么在树莓派上运行arduino程序,或者怎么改编代码使得pulse sensor可以运行?谢谢!!
2016-07-05 01:58:33

求一个 Measurement Studio 2015 下载链接 谢谢

求一个Measurement Studio 2015 下载链接 谢谢
2022-11-30 23:01:11

用AD10输出BOM时提示failed to open excel template

用AD10输出BOM时提示failedto open excel template,想问下大家这是什么原因呢
2015-03-09 20:30:52

请问如何用MOSFET作为Switch产生完美波形的Square pulse

。还有示波器显示的波形,其中黄色的pulse是直接由pulse generator出来的, 绿色的是从switch 出来的。可以看出,从switch出来的pulse形状并不是方型, 而且在pulse
2019-04-06 03:35:01

那位大神有ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit

那位大神有ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit,求求求。。。。
2019-12-19 15:10:47

Measurement guidelines for DVB

Measurement guidelines for DVB-T system introductionMeasurement guidelines for DVB-Tsystem
2008-10-20 10:29:0135

SG3525A pdf datasheet (Pulse W

SG3525A Pulse Width Modulator Control CircuitThe SG3525A pulse width modulator control circuit
2008-10-22 17:49:46126

TL494 Pulse-Width-Modulation C

of a pulse-width-modulation control,these devices offer the systems engineer the flexibility to tailor ORDERING INFORMATIONthe powe
2008-12-12 00:10:0518

2T pulse shapes

and postshoots so that the pulse base is increased to 420 ns(nominal 400 ns) at the nominal half-amplitude duration of 200 ns.The 2T puls
2009-01-13 18:22:0722

Measurement and Control of RF

Measurement and Control of RF Power (Part I):IntroductionFig. 1. shows a typical modern
2009-09-23 22:51:4411

Measurement and Control of RF

Measurement and Control of RF Power (Part II):Log AmpsThe term log amp, as it is generally
2009-09-23 22:52:0511

Measurement and Control of RF

Measurement and Control of RF Power (Part III):Response of Log amp to Different Signal TypesLog
2009-09-23 22:52:3311

PCI_Interface、Pulse H5007与RJ45

PCI_Interface、Pulse H5007与RJ45接口电路
2009-09-28 15:07:01121

Motor Speed Measurement Consid

Motor Speed Measurement Considerations When Using TMS320C24x DSPs The TMS320C24x
2009-10-01 19:03:2417

12 Pulse变压器

12 Pulse变压器
2009-11-19 15:31:0512

Pulse Power Rating of Semicond

Pulse Power Rating of SemiconductorsThe admissible dissipation of diodes, rectifiers
2009-11-26 11:19:4213


电阻在pulse负载时功耗分析,计算,Pulse Load Handling for Fixed Linear ResistorsThe power and thermal behavior
2009-11-28 11:13:4326


aboutthe need  for  versatile pulse transformers that meet all the electricalrequirements of Manchester II serial biphas
2010-06-11 08:40:189


有关saber中template加密功能的问题,部分原文如下: domono兄,官方网站上说saber有template加密功能,不知如何实现?需要特殊的软件模块支持吗? 关于模型加密,Saber软件一直都有这个功能,只不
2010-06-18 16:27:0729

Chapter 7 Measurement Optics

GeneralEach laser measurement system’s measurement axis must have an interferometer
2010-07-06 22:06:5614

Chapter 14 measurement Princi

IntroductionThe measurements that an Agilent laser measurement system can make depend
2010-07-06 22:43:5710

Agilent 81100 Family of Pulse

AgilentTechnologies pulse generators forthe development of video interfacesfor projection units.
2010-07-13 09:42:067

Understanding VNA Measurement

measurements, and how to identify potential measurement error•Use the VNA to characterize Device Under Test’s transmission and
2010-07-16 23:28:526

AC Voltage Measurement Errors

discussion will help you eliminatepotential measurement errors and achieve thegreatest accuracy with a DMM. This paper cover
2010-07-16 23:31:398

Pulse Width Modulator circuits

Pulse Width Modulator circuits:Couple Notes:The ic used is a CMOS type MC14093a quad 2-input NAND
2008-03-14 08:31:421623

Valor 和i-PULSE结为合作伙伴; 为i-PULSE

2008年7月16日,日本东京 -Yamaha Motor Group旗下的i-PULSE有限公司日前已与华尔莱科技(Valor)结为合作伙伴关系,基于Valor的vPlan生产规划工具向i-PULSE组装设备的使用者提供完整的从设
2008-07-28 16:00:46531

Modifying the E3 Template Comp

Abstract: This application note describes how to modify the pulse shape (amplitude, rise-
2009-04-20 09:13:531002

Switch-Mode, Linear, and Pulse

Abstract: There are three methods to charging Li+ batteries: switch-mode, linear and pulse. Each
2009-04-30 10:45:391661


Abstract: Build a general-purpose pulse-width modulator using three op amps from a quad-op-amp
2009-05-03 14:33:48520


Abstract: Build a general-purpose pulse-width modulator using three op amps from a quad-op-amp
2009-05-06 10:51:18816

脉波产生器电路(Pulse generator)

脉波产生器电路(Pulse generator)
2009-10-22 09:49:101868

Measurement Studio 2009缩短测试开发时

Measurement Studio 2009缩短测试开发时间  美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instruments,简称NI)发布了Measurement Studio 2009
2009-12-26 08:43:291533

555步进脉冲发生器电路,555 stepper pulse

555步进脉冲发生器电路,555 stepper pulse generator Specifications 
2010-02-27 09:25:122105

脉冲焊 pulse welding

脉冲焊 pulse welding     脉冲焊是应用可控脉冲技术,将两个并联运行的电源(即维弧电源及脉冲电源)向焊接电弧供电的焊
2010-03-18 21:46:184007

NI Measurement Studio 2010全新支持

NI Measurement Studio 2010全新支持Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 新版软件加速针对测试测量应用的.NET开发 新闻发布—&m
2011-01-11 12:12:031689


2012-06-25 15:27:071715

Pulse Sensor中文使用说明书V4.4

Pulse Sensor中文使用说明书V4.4(打开密码xinghuidianzi)
2016-01-15 15:09:190

Pulse Width Modulation

Pulse Width Modulation.多种集合,符合热爱PCB绘图的学习者的胃口,喜欢的朋友下载来学习。
2016-03-21 15:14:470

pulse sensor脉搏心率传感器英文说明书

pulse sensor传感器的的详细介绍,包括原籍及应用以及注意事项。
2016-03-30 15:30:57105

【英文教程】Measurement of Quantities

【英文教程】Measurement of Quantities and Measurement Data测量的质量及测量数据
2016-11-18 16:05:020

【英文教程】Flow Measurement流量测量技术

Flow Measurement流量测量技术,测控技术与仪器专业英语,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以瞧一瞧。
2016-11-18 16:05:020

【英文教程】Definition of Measurement and Measurement Theory测量的定义与测量理论

Definition of Measurement and Measurement Theory测量的定义与测量理论,测控技术与仪器专业英语,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以瞧一瞧。
2016-11-18 16:05:020


PULSE WIDTH VHDL程序,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以瞧一瞧。
2016-11-11 11:55:470

Ultrawideband radar measurement

0Ultrawideband radar measurement Analysis and Processing
2016-12-28 09:33:362

pulse sensor原理图

pulse sensor原理图
2017-04-07 15:40:26371

Development of a tilt measurement system based on MEMS sensor and Cortex_M3

Development of a tilt measurement system based on MEMS sensor and Cortex_M3
2017-09-28 10:04:022

LTC2058 Demo Circuit - Photovoltaic Module Sweep Measurement

LTC2058 Demo Circuit - Photovoltaic Module Sweep Measurement
2021-02-01 09:12:060

CN0349: Fully Isolated Conductivity Measurement Data Acquisition System

CN0349: Fully Isolated Conductivity Measurement Data Acquisition System
2021-02-19 10:50:131


2021-03-27 11:08:3618


的 template 分类,就可以轻松套用模板中的公式创建约束。 本文将通过3个例子来展示,如何精确找到匹配的 template。 01  Input Delay/Output Delay Constraints Language Template
2021-04-10 09:38:501713

基于Pulse Oximeter Demonstration微控制器的参考设计

View the reference design for Pulse Oximeter Demonstration. http://www.elecfans.com/soft/ has
2021-07-09 17:54:500


2021-12-08 20:21:1316


2022-04-15 09:44:441


2022-11-18 17:19:313985

RT-Thread文档_Pulse Encoder 设备

RT-Thread文档_Pulse Encoder 设备
2023-02-22 18:39:261

Pulse 普思代理 电感、RF/EMI滤波器 -贞光科技代理

2023-04-25 09:51:09806
