• 聊天消息
  • 系统消息
  • 评论与回复
  • 下载海量资料
  • 学习在线课程
  • 观看技术视频
  • 写文章/发帖/加入社区




jf_46214456 来源:jf_46214456 作者:jf_46214456 2024-04-15 16:17 次阅读










1.安装编译的hap包,使用hdc shell aa start -b ohos.samples.launcher -a MainAbility命令启动应用,应用启动后显示系统安装的应用。


3.图库等支持卡片的应用,长按菜单中有服务卡片,点击进入卡片预览界面,在卡片预览界面点击 添加到桌面 ,返回到桌面并且卡片成功添加到桌面。


5.应用在桌面界面,使用hdc install安装一个应用,桌面可以监听到应用安装,并显示新安装的应用到桌面上。

6.应用在桌面界面,使用hdc uninstall 卸载第5步安装的应用,桌面可以监听到卸载,并移除桌面上的应用。



| |---MyAbilityStage.ts
| |---FormManagerComponent.ets // 弹窗组件
| |---MainAbility.ts
| |---WindowManager.ts // 数据类型
| |---FormPage.ets // 首页
| |---Home.ets // 详情页面
| |---RecentsPage.ets // 详情页面



* 获取应用功能模块
  * 使用launcherBundleManager模块接口(系统能力:SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework),获取所有应用信息和给定包名获取应用信息,实现桌面展示所有安装的应用。使用on接口监听应用的安装和卸载从而实现应用安装和卸载刷新桌面。
* 源码链接:[LauncherAbilityManager.ts]


  • Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  • You may obtain a copy of the License at

  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  • limitations under the License.


import installer from '@ohos.bundle.installer';

import launcherBundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager';

import bundleMonitor from '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor';

import osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount'

import { AppItemInfo } from '../bean/AppItemInfo'

import { CheckEmptyUtils } from '../utils/CheckEmptyUtils'

import { CommonConstants } from '../constants/CommonConstants'

import { EventConstants } from '../constants/EventConstants'

import { ResourceManager } from './ResourceManager'

import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'

import type { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

const TAG: string = 'LauncherAbilityManager'


  • Wrapper class for innerBundleManager and formManager interfaces.


export class LauncherAbilityManager {

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE = 'remove'

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD = 'add'

private static launcherAbilityManager: LauncherAbilityManager = undefined

private readonly mAppMap = new Map< string, AppItemInfo >()

private mResourceManager: ResourceManager = undefined

private readonly mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners: any[] = []

private mUserId: number = 100

private context: any = undefined

constructor(context) {

this.context = context

this.mResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(context)

const osAccountManager = osAccount.getAccountManager()

osAccountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess((err, localId) = > {

  Logger.debug(TAG, `getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess localId ${localId}`)

  this.mUserId = localId




  • Get the application data model object.

  • @return {object} application data model singleton


static getInstance(context): LauncherAbilityManager {

if (this.launcherAbilityManager === null || this.launcherAbilityManager === undefined) {

  this.launcherAbilityManager = new LauncherAbilityManager(context)


return this.launcherAbilityManager



  • get all app List info from BMS

  • @return 应用的入口Ability信息列表


async getLauncherAbilityList(): Promise< AppItemInfo[] > {

Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList begin')

let abilityList = await launcherBundleManager.getAllLauncherAbilityInfo(this.mUserId)

const appItemInfoList = new Array< AppItemInfo >()

if (CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(abilityList)) {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList Empty')

  return appItemInfoList


for (let i = 0; i < abilityList.length; i++) {

  let appItem = await this.transToAppItemInfo(abilityList[i])



return appItemInfoList



  • get AppItemInfo from BMS with bundleName

  • @params bundleName

  • @return AppItemInfo


async getAppInfoByBundleName(bundleName: string): Promise< AppItemInfo | undefined > {

let appItemInfo: AppItemInfo | undefined = undefined

// get from cache

if (this.mAppMap != null && this.mAppMap.has(bundleName)) {

  appItemInfo = this.mAppMap.get(bundleName)


if (appItemInfo != undefined) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from cache: ${JSON.stringify(appItemInfo)}`)

  return appItemInfo


// get from system

let abilityInfos = await launcherBundleManager.getLauncherAbilityInfo(bundleName, this.mUserId)

if (abilityInfos == undefined || abilityInfos.length == 0) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `${bundleName} has no launcher ability`)

  return undefined


let appInfo = abilityInfos[0]

const data = await this.transToAppItemInfo(appInfo)

Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from BMS: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)

return data


private async transToAppItemInfo(info): Promise< AppItemInfo > {

const appItemInfo = new AppItemInfo()

appItemInfo.appName = await this.mResourceManager.getAppNameSync(

info.labelId, info.elementName.bundleName, info.applicationInfo.label


appItemInfo.isSystemApp = info.applicationInfo.systemApp

appItemInfo.isUninstallAble = info.applicationInfo.removable

appItemInfo.appIconId = info.iconId

appItemInfo.appLabelId = info.labelId

appItemInfo.bundleName = info.elementName.bundleName

appItemInfo.abilityName = info.elementName.abilityName

await this.mResourceManager.updateIconCache(appItemInfo.appIconId, appItemInfo.bundleName)

this.mAppMap.set(appItemInfo.bundleName, appItemInfo)

return appItemInfo



  • 启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbility(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName) {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`)


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success')

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)




  • 通过桌面图标启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbilityFromRecent(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName): void {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`);


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success');

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);




  • 卸载应用

  • @params bundleName 应用包名

  • @params callback 卸载回调


async uninstallLauncherAbility(bundleName: string, callback): Promise< void > {

Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility bundleName: ${bundleName}`);

const bundlerInstaller = await installer.getBundleInstaller();

bundlerInstaller.uninstall(bundleName, {

  userId: this.mUserId,

  installFlag: 0,

  isKeepData: false

}, (err: BusinessError) = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility result = > ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);





  • 开始监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


registerLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {

    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback add bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)



    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback remove bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)


      AppStorage.Set('isRefresh', true)



  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index == CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {






  • 取消监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


unregisterLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index != CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {

    this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.splice(index, 1)


  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {






private notifyLauncherAbilityChange(event: string, bundleName: string, userId: number): void {

for (let index = 0; index < this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length; index++) {

  this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners[index](event, bundleName, userId)




* 接口参考:[@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager]
* 应用卸载功能模块
* 使用bundle模块的getBundleInstaller接口获取到BundleInstaller(系统能力:SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework),调用uninstall接口实现应用卸载功能。
* 源码链接:[LauncherAbilityManager.ts]


  • Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  • You may obtain a copy of the License at

  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  • limitations under the License.


import installer from '@ohos.bundle.installer';

import launcherBundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager';

import bundleMonitor from '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor';

import osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount'

import { AppItemInfo } from '../bean/AppItemInfo'

import { CheckEmptyUtils } from '../utils/CheckEmptyUtils'

import { CommonConstants } from '../constants/CommonConstants'

import { EventConstants } from '../constants/EventConstants'

import { ResourceManager } from './ResourceManager'

import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'

import type { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

const TAG: string = 'LauncherAbilityManager'


  • Wrapper class for innerBundleManager and formManager interfaces.


export class LauncherAbilityManager {

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE = 'remove'

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD = 'add'

private static launcherAbilityManager: LauncherAbilityManager = undefined

private readonly mAppMap = new Map< string, AppItemInfo >()

private mResourceManager: ResourceManager = undefined

private readonly mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners: any[] = []

private mUserId: number = 100

private context: any = undefined

constructor(context) {

this.context = context

this.mResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(context)

const osAccountManager = osAccount.getAccountManager()

osAccountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess((err, localId) = > {

  Logger.debug(TAG, `getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess localId ${localId}`)

  this.mUserId = localId




  • Get the application data model object.

  • @return {object} application data model singleton


static getInstance(context): LauncherAbilityManager {

if (this.launcherAbilityManager === null || this.launcherAbilityManager === undefined) {

  this.launcherAbilityManager = new LauncherAbilityManager(context)


return this.launcherAbilityManager



  • get all app List info from BMS

  • @return 应用的入口Ability信息列表


async getLauncherAbilityList(): Promise< AppItemInfo[] > {

Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList begin')

let abilityList = await launcherBundleManager.getAllLauncherAbilityInfo(this.mUserId)

const appItemInfoList = new Array< AppItemInfo >()

if (CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(abilityList)) {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList Empty')

  return appItemInfoList


for (let i = 0; i < abilityList.length; i++) {

  let appItem = await this.transToAppItemInfo(abilityList[i])



return appItemInfoList



  • get AppItemInfo from BMS with bundleName

  • @params bundleName

  • @return AppItemInfo


async getAppInfoByBundleName(bundleName: string): Promise< AppItemInfo | undefined > {

let appItemInfo: AppItemInfo | undefined = undefined

// get from cache

if (this.mAppMap != null && this.mAppMap.has(bundleName)) {

  appItemInfo = this.mAppMap.get(bundleName)


if (appItemInfo != undefined) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from cache: ${JSON.stringify(appItemInfo)}`)

  return appItemInfo


// get from system

let abilityInfos = await launcherBundleManager.getLauncherAbilityInfo(bundleName, this.mUserId)

if (abilityInfos == undefined || abilityInfos.length == 0) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `${bundleName} has no launcher ability`)

  return undefined


let appInfo = abilityInfos[0]

const data = await this.transToAppItemInfo(appInfo)

Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from BMS: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)

return data


private async transToAppItemInfo(info): Promise< AppItemInfo > {

const appItemInfo = new AppItemInfo()

appItemInfo.appName = await this.mResourceManager.getAppNameSync(

info.labelId, info.elementName.bundleName, info.applicationInfo.label


appItemInfo.isSystemApp = info.applicationInfo.systemApp

appItemInfo.isUninstallAble = info.applicationInfo.removable

appItemInfo.appIconId = info.iconId

appItemInfo.appLabelId = info.labelId

appItemInfo.bundleName = info.elementName.bundleName

appItemInfo.abilityName = info.elementName.abilityName

await this.mResourceManager.updateIconCache(appItemInfo.appIconId, appItemInfo.bundleName)

this.mAppMap.set(appItemInfo.bundleName, appItemInfo)

return appItemInfo



  • 启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbility(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName) {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`)


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success')

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)




  • 通过桌面图标启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbilityFromRecent(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName): void {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`);


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success');

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);




  • 卸载应用

  • @params bundleName 应用包名

  • @params callback 卸载回调


async uninstallLauncherAbility(bundleName: string, callback): Promise< void > {

Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility bundleName: ${bundleName}`);

const bundlerInstaller = await installer.getBundleInstaller();

bundlerInstaller.uninstall(bundleName, {

  userId: this.mUserId,

  installFlag: 0,

  isKeepData: false

}, (err: BusinessError) = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility result = > ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);





  • 开始监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


registerLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {

    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback add bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)



    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback remove bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)


      AppStorage.Set('isRefresh', true)



  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index == CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {






  • 取消监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


unregisterLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index != CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {

    this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.splice(index, 1)


  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {






private notifyLauncherAbilityChange(event: string, bundleName: string, userId: number): void {

for (let index = 0; index < this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length; index++) {

  this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners[index](event, bundleName, userId)




* 接口参考:[@ohos.bundle]
* 添加卡片功能模块
* 使用formHost接口(系统能力:SystemCapability.Ability.Form),获取应用卡片信息,使用FormComponent组件展示卡片内容,从而实现添加卡片到桌面的功能。
* 源码链接:[FormManager.ts]


  • Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  • You may obtain a copy of the License at

  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  • limitations under the License.


import formManagerAbility from '@ohos.app.form.formHost'

import { CardItemInfo } from '../bean/CardItemInfo'

import { CommonConstants } from '../constants/CommonConstants'

import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'

const TAG: string = 'FormManager'


  • Wrapper class for formManager interfaces.


class FormManagerModel {

private readonly CARD_SIZE_1x2: number[] = [1, 2]

private readonly CARD_SIZE_2x2: number[] = [2, 2]

private readonly CARD_SIZE_2x4: number[] = [2, 4]

private readonly CARD_SIZE_4x4: number[] = [4, 4]


  • get all form info

  • @return Array< CardItemInfo > cardItemInfoList


public async getAllFormsInfo(): Promise< CardItemInfo[] > {

const formList = await formManagerAbility.getAllFormsInfo()

const cardItemInfoList = new Array< CardItemInfo >()

for (const formItem of formList) {

  const cardItemInfo = new CardItemInfo()

  cardItemInfo.bundleName = formItem.bundleName

  cardItemInfo.abilityName = formItem.abilityName

  cardItemInfo.moduleName = formItem.moduleName

  cardItemInfo.cardName = formItem.name

  cardItemInfo.cardDimension = formItem.defaultDimension

  cardItemInfo.description = formItem.description

  cardItemInfo.formConfigAbility = formItem.formConfigAbility

  cardItemInfo.supportDimensions = formItem.supportDimensions

  cardItemInfo.area = this.getCardSize(cardItemInfo.cardDimension)



return cardItemInfoList



  • get card area by dimension

  • @param dimension

  • @return number[]


public getCardSize(dimension: number): number[] {

if (dimension == CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_1x2) {

  return this.CARD_SIZE_1x2

} else if (dimension == CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_2x2) {

  return this.CARD_SIZE_2x2

} else if (dimension == CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_2x4) {

  return this.CARD_SIZE_2x4

} else {

  return this.CARD_SIZE_4x4




  • get card dimension bty area

  • @param dimension

  • @return number[]


public getCardDimension(area: number[]) {

if (area.toString() === this.CARD_SIZE_1x2.toString()) {

  return CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_1x2

} else if (area.toString() === this.CARD_SIZE_2x2.toString()) {

  return CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_2x2

} else if (area.toString() == this.CARD_SIZE_2x4.toString()) {

  return CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_2x4

} else {

  return CommonConstants.CARD_DIMENSION_4x4




  • get form info by bundleName

  • @param bundle

  • @return Array< CardItemInfo > cardItemInfoList


public async getFormsInfoByApp(bundle: string): Promise< CardItemInfo[] > {

Logger.info(TAG, `getFormsInfoByApp bundle: ${bundle}`)

const formList = await formManagerAbility.getFormsInfo(bundle)

const cardItemInfoList = new Array< CardItemInfo >()

for (const formItem of formList) {

  const cardItemInfo = new CardItemInfo()

  cardItemInfo.bundleName = formItem.bundleName

  cardItemInfo.abilityName = formItem.abilityName

  cardItemInfo.moduleName = formItem.moduleName

  cardItemInfo.cardName = formItem.name

  cardItemInfo.cardDimension = formItem.defaultDimension

  cardItemInfo.area = this.getCardSize(cardItemInfo.cardDimension)

  cardItemInfo.description = formItem.description

  cardItemInfo.formConfigAbility = formItem.formConfigAbility

  cardItemInfo.supportDimensions = formItem.supportDimensions



return cardItemInfoList



export let FormManager = new FormManagerModel()

* 接口参考:[@ohos.app.form.formHost]
* 桌面数据持久化存储功能模块
  * 使用关系型数据库rdb接口(系统能力:SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core),实现桌面数据持久化存储,存储应用的位置信息,卡片信息。
* 源码链接:[RdbManager.ts]


  • Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  • You may obtain a copy of the License at

  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  • limitations under the License.


import dataRdb from '@ohos.data.relationalStore'

import { CheckEmptyUtils } from '../utils/CheckEmptyUtils'

import { CommonConstants } from '../constants/CommonConstants'

import { GridLayoutItemInfo } from '../bean/GridLayoutItemInfo'

import { GridLayoutInfoColumns } from '../bean/GridLayoutInfoColumns'

import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'

export const TABLE_NAME: string = 'launcher'

export const SQL_CREATE_TABLE = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS launcher ' +


'app_name TEXT, ' +

'appIcon_id INTEGER, ' +

'container INTEGER, ' +

'type_id INTEGER, ' +

'card_id INTEGER, ' +

'card_name TEXT, ' +

'badge_number INTEGER, ' +

'module_name TEXT, ' +

'bundle_name TEXT, ' +

'ability_name TEXT, ' +

'area TEXT, ' +

'page INTEGER, ' +

'column INTEGER, ' +

'row INTEGER)'

export const STORE_CONFIG = { name: 'launcher.db', securityLevel: dataRdb.SecurityLevel.S1 }

const TAG: string = 'RdbModel'

class RdbManagerModel {

private mRdbStore: dataRdb.RdbStore = undefined

constructor() {



  • initRdbConfig

  • @param context


async initRdbConfig(context): Promise< void > {

Logger.info(TAG, 'initRdbConfig start')

if (this.mRdbStore === undefined) {

  this.mRdbStore = await dataRdb.getRdbStore(context, STORE_CONFIG);

  await this.mRdbStore.executeSql(SQL_CREATE_TABLE);

  Logger.info(TAG, 'create table end');




  • deleteTable

  • @param tableName


async deleteTable(tableName: string): Promise< void > {

Logger.info(TAG, 'deleteTable start')

try {

  let detelSql = `DELETE FROM ${tableName};`

  let detelSequenceSql = `UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq=0 WHERE name = '${tableName}';`

  await this.mRdbStore.executeSql(detelSql)

  await this.mRdbStore.executeSql(detelSequenceSql)

  Logger.debug(TAG, 'deleteTable end')

} catch (e) {

  Logger.error(TAG, `deleteTable err: ${e}`)




  • insertData

  • @param layoutInfo


async insertData(layoutInfo: any) {

Logger.info(TAG, 'insertGridLayoutInfo start');

let result: boolean = true

if (CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(layoutInfo)) {

  Logger.error(TAG, 'insertGridLayoutInfo gridlayoutinfo is empty')

  result = false

  return result


try {

  // delete gridlayoutinfo table

  await this.deleteTable(TABLE_NAME)

  // insert into gridlayoutinfo

  for (let i in layoutInfo) {

    let layout = layoutInfo[i]

    for (let j in layout) {

      let element = layout[j]

      Logger.info(TAG, `insertGridLayoutInfo i= ${i}`)

      let item = {}

      if (element.typeId === CommonConstants.TYPE_APP) {

        item = {

          'app_name': element.appName,

          'bundle_name': element.bundleName,

          'module_name': element.modelName,

          'ability_name': element.abilityName,

          'appIcon_id': element.appIconId,

          'type_id': element.typeId,

          'area': element.area[0] + ',' + element.area[1],

          'page': element.page,

          'column': element.column,

          'row': element.row,

          'container': -100


        let ret = await this.mRdbStore.insert(TABLE_NAME, item)

        Logger.debug(TAG, `insertGridLayoutInfo type is app ${i} ret: ${ret}`)

      } else if (element.typeId === CommonConstants.TYPE_CARD) {

        item = {

          'app_name': element.appName,

          'bundle_name': element.bundleName,

          'module_name': element.modelName,

          'ability_name': element.abilityName,

          'card_id': element.cardId,

          'card_name': element.cardName,

          'type_id': element.typeId,

          'area': element.area[0] + ',' + element.area[1],

          'page': element.page,

          'column': element.column,

          'row': element.row,

          'container': -100


        let ret = await this.mRdbStore.insert(TABLE_NAME, item)

        Logger.debug(TAG, `insertGridLayoutInfo type is card ${i} ret: ${ret}`)




} catch (e) {

  Logger.error(TAG, `insertGridLayoutInfo error: ${e}`)


return result


async queryLayoutInfo() {

Logger.info(TAG, 'queryLayoutInfo start')

const resultList: GridLayoutItemInfo[] = []

const predicates = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates(TABLE_NAME)

predicates.equalTo(GridLayoutInfoColumns.CONTAINER, -100)


let resultSet = await this.mRdbStore.query(predicates)

Logger.info(TAG, `queryLayoutInfo query,count=${resultSet.rowCount}`)

let isLast = resultSet.goToFirstRow()

while (isLast) {

  const layoutInfo: GridLayoutItemInfo = GridLayoutItemInfo.fromResultSet(resultSet)


  isLast = resultSet.goToNextRow()



resultSet = null

return resultList


async insertItem(item: GridLayoutItemInfo) {

if (CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(item)) {



let element = {

  'app_name': item.appName,

  'module_name': item.moduleName,

  'bundle_name': item.bundleName,

  'ability_name': item.abilityName,

  'appIcon_id': item.appIconId,

  'card_id': item.cardId,

  'card_name': item.cardName,

  'type_id': item.typeId,

  'area': item.area[0] + ',' + item.area[1],

  'page': item.page,

  'column': item.column,

  'row': item.row,

  'container': -100


let ret = await this.mRdbStore.insert(TABLE_NAME, element)

Logger.debug(TAG, `insertGridLayoutInfo ret: ${ret}`)


async deleteItemByPosition(page: number, row: number, column: number) {

const predicates = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates(TABLE_NAME);

predicates.equalTo('page', page)

  .and().equalTo('row', row)

  .and().equalTo('column', column);

let query = await this.mRdbStore.query(predicates);

if (query.rowCount > 0) {

  let ret = await this.mRdbStore.delete(predicates);

  Logger.debug(TAG, `deleteItem ret: ${ret}`);




export let RdbManager = new RdbManagerModel()

* 接口参考:[@ohos.data.relationalStore]
* 加锁、解锁、清理后台任务功能模块
  * 使用missionManager模块接口(系统能力:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Mission),获取最近任务信息,并实现加锁、解锁、清理后台任务的功能。
  * 源码链接:[MissionModel.ts]
  * 接口参考:[@ohos.application.missionManager]
* 点击桌面应用拉起最近任务至前台功能模块
  * 使用ServiceExtensionContext模块的startRecentAbility接口(系统能力:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core),拉起最近任务至前台显示,若应用Ability未启动时,则拉起新创建的应用Ability显示到前台。


  • Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  • You may obtain a copy of the License at

  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  • limitations under the License.


import installer from '@ohos.bundle.installer';

import launcherBundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager';

import bundleMonitor from '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor';

import osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount'

import { AppItemInfo } from '../bean/AppItemInfo'

import { CheckEmptyUtils } from '../utils/CheckEmptyUtils'

import { CommonConstants } from '../constants/CommonConstants'

import { EventConstants } from '../constants/EventConstants'

import { ResourceManager } from './ResourceManager'

import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'

import type { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

const TAG: string = 'LauncherAbilityManager'


  • Wrapper class for innerBundleManager and formManager interfaces.


export class LauncherAbilityManager {

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE = 'remove'

private static readonly BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD = 'add'

private static launcherAbilityManager: LauncherAbilityManager = undefined

private readonly mAppMap = new Map< string, AppItemInfo >()

private mResourceManager: ResourceManager = undefined

private readonly mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners: any[] = []

private mUserId: number = 100

private context: any = undefined

constructor(context) {

this.context = context

this.mResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(context)

const osAccountManager = osAccount.getAccountManager()

osAccountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess((err, localId) = > {

  Logger.debug(TAG, `getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess localId ${localId}`)

  this.mUserId = localId




  • Get the application data model object.

  • @return {object} application data model singleton


static getInstance(context): LauncherAbilityManager {

if (this.launcherAbilityManager === null || this.launcherAbilityManager === undefined) {

  this.launcherAbilityManager = new LauncherAbilityManager(context)


return this.launcherAbilityManager



  • get all app List info from BMS

  • @return 应用的入口Ability信息列表


async getLauncherAbilityList(): Promise< AppItemInfo[] > {

Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList begin')

let abilityList = await launcherBundleManager.getAllLauncherAbilityInfo(this.mUserId)

const appItemInfoList = new Array< AppItemInfo >()

if (CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(abilityList)) {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'getLauncherAbilityList Empty')

  return appItemInfoList


for (let i = 0; i < abilityList.length; i++) {

  let appItem = await this.transToAppItemInfo(abilityList[i])



return appItemInfoList



  • get AppItemInfo from BMS with bundleName

  • @params bundleName

  • @return AppItemInfo


async getAppInfoByBundleName(bundleName: string): Promise< AppItemInfo | undefined > {

let appItemInfo: AppItemInfo | undefined = undefined

// get from cache

if (this.mAppMap != null && this.mAppMap.has(bundleName)) {

  appItemInfo = this.mAppMap.get(bundleName)


if (appItemInfo != undefined) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from cache: ${JSON.stringify(appItemInfo)}`)

  return appItemInfo


// get from system

let abilityInfos = await launcherBundleManager.getLauncherAbilityInfo(bundleName, this.mUserId)

if (abilityInfos == undefined || abilityInfos.length == 0) {

  Logger.info(TAG, `${bundleName} has no launcher ability`)

  return undefined


let appInfo = abilityInfos[0]

const data = await this.transToAppItemInfo(appInfo)

Logger.info(TAG, `getAppInfoByBundleName from BMS: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)

return data


private async transToAppItemInfo(info): Promise< AppItemInfo > {

const appItemInfo = new AppItemInfo()

appItemInfo.appName = await this.mResourceManager.getAppNameSync(

info.labelId, info.elementName.bundleName, info.applicationInfo.label


appItemInfo.isSystemApp = info.applicationInfo.systemApp

appItemInfo.isUninstallAble = info.applicationInfo.removable

appItemInfo.appIconId = info.iconId

appItemInfo.appLabelId = info.labelId

appItemInfo.bundleName = info.elementName.bundleName

appItemInfo.abilityName = info.elementName.abilityName

await this.mResourceManager.updateIconCache(appItemInfo.appIconId, appItemInfo.bundleName)

this.mAppMap.set(appItemInfo.bundleName, appItemInfo)

return appItemInfo



  • 启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbility(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName) {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`)


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success')

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)




  • 通过桌面图标启动应用

  • @params paramAbilityName Ability名

  • @params paramBundleName 应用包名


startLauncherAbilityFromRecent(paramAbilityName, paramBundleName): void {

Logger.info(TAG, `startApplication abilityName: ${paramAbilityName}, bundleName: ${paramBundleName}`);


  bundleName: paramBundleName,

  abilityName: paramAbilityName

}).then(() = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, 'startApplication promise success');

}, (err) = > {

  Logger.error(TAG, `startApplication promise error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);




  • 卸载应用

  • @params bundleName 应用包名

  • @params callback 卸载回调


async uninstallLauncherAbility(bundleName: string, callback): Promise< void > {

Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility bundleName: ${bundleName}`);

const bundlerInstaller = await installer.getBundleInstaller();

bundlerInstaller.uninstall(bundleName, {

  userId: this.mUserId,

  installFlag: 0,

  isKeepData: false

}, (err: BusinessError) = > {

  Logger.info(TAG, `uninstallLauncherAbility result = > ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);





  • 开始监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


registerLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {

    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_ADD, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback add bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)



    bundleMonitor.on(LauncherAbilityManager.BUNDLE_STATUS_CHANGE_KEY_REMOVE, (bundleChangeInfo) = > {

      Logger.debug(TAG, `mBundleStatusCallback remove bundleName: ${bundleChangeInfo.bundleName},

        userId: ${bundleChangeInfo.userId}, mUserId ${this.mUserId}`)

      if (this.mUserId === bundleChangeInfo.userId) {


          bundleChangeInfo.bundleName, bundleChangeInfo.userId)


      AppStorage.Set('isRefresh', true)



  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index == CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {






  • 取消监听系统应用状态.

  • @params listener 监听对象


unregisterLauncherAbilityChangeListener(listener: any): void {

if (!CheckEmptyUtils.isEmpty(listener)) {

  const index = this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.indexOf(listener)

  if (index != CommonConstants.INVALID_VALUE) {

    this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.splice(index, 1)


  if (this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length == 0) {






private notifyLauncherAbilityChange(event: string, bundleName: string, userId: number): void {

for (let index = 0; index < this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners.length; index++) {

  this.mLauncherAbilityChangeListeners[index](event, bundleName, userId)





审核编辑 黄宇

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  • 鸿蒙






  • OpenHarmony






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