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yYjs_江波龙 来源:未知 2023-04-06 09:20 次阅读









这部电影是根据克里斯‧加德纳的自传《当幸福来敲门》改编的。加德纳的成功之路甚至比电影呈现的更长、更艰辛。加德纳把幸福这个英文字的「Happiness 」的「i」改用「Happyness 」「y」来取代。因为他曾经在儿子托儿所的墙上看到小朋友「Happiness 」写错为「Happyness 」。但是他很喜欢。所以他用那个拼写来区分他的书名。加德纳认为,「y」可以代表「你或你的」(You, 或yours),这可以鼓励人们追求自己的幸福。







从此之后,他走到了向上的路上。在从事证券领域工作五年后,加德纳创办自己的公司,名为「加德纳财富管理公司」。到1988年,加德纳公司的收入达到创纪录的高点,加德纳当年的收入为100万美元。当时加德纳34岁时,他决定买一辆法拉利作为礼物犒赏自己。这辆法拉利并不像那位曾经激励他成为股票经纪人的法拉利那样红。相反,他买了一辆曾经属于篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹的法拉利。他得到了一个定制的车牌, 上面写着 「NOT MJ」, 意思是 「我不是迈克尔 · 乔丹」。




The Best Way to Learn is the Hardest

Many people have watched the 2006 Will Smith movie The Pursuit of Happyness, which is based on a true story. In it, Smith portrays Chris Gardner, a homeless man trying to raise his son while trying to become a securities analyst. In the final scene of the movie, he and son are walking down the street with their backs to the camera as his son (who happens to be played by Smith’s real son) tells him a joke. Headed in the opposite direction is a tall man, seemingly just a stranger passing by. But that tall man who passes the actor portraying Chris Gardner (Smith) is the real Chris Gardner.

The movie was based on the Chris Gardner’s autobiography “The Pursuit of Happyness.” Gardner’s road to success was even longer and more difficult than the movie presented. Gardner changed the word “Happiness” with an ‘i’ to “ Happyness” with a ‘y’ because he once saw it written incorrectly on a wall at his son’s school and he liked it. So he used that spelling to distinguish his book title. Gardner considered that the ‘y’ could represent “you or yours,” which might encourage people in the pursuit of their own happiness.

Trying to become a securities analyst in America is not easy, especially for a person of color without a university degree. But once Gardner decided to pursue this goal, he really put his heart into it.

Gardner was born in Milwaukee in 1954. He never really had a good male role model in his life. He grew up in a family that was full of violence. His stepfather often abused his mother and sisters. Gardner was placed in foster care twice because, one time, Gardner’s stepfather accused his mother of welfare fraud, and, another time, his mother tried to burn down his stepfather’s home with his stepfather in it.

One incident that Gardner will never forget was his stepfather bursting in on him in the bathroom with a shotgun and ordering him to immediately leave the house. Gardner, who was still a teenager, feared for his life and ran out of the house naked and soaking wet into the Wisconsin winter. By that time, Gardner’s mother had already been kicked out of the house by his stepfather.

In the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness,” Gardner is depicted as a medical device salesman trying to sell bone density scanners (as the real Gardner once took a job as a medical equipment salesman). In a memorable scene from the film, Gardner chases a man who had stolen one of his scanners. While running across a busy street, he is nearly hit by a car and becomes quite emotional. Gardner said that this incident did not actually happen. But it is true that he really struggled financially as a medical equipment salesman.

But the next few things in the film did actually happen. In particular, he is shown approaching a well-dressed man in a red Ferrari on the street, and he asks him what he does for a living. The man tells him that he’s a stockbroker. Gardner is so impressed by the man’s success that he decides to try to get into that field. Eventually, he secures a seat in a stock brokerage training program, where the students sell stocks to customers. Although they are not paid for their time, the student with the best performance at the end of the program will be offered a paid position.

Garner quits his job as a medical device salesman to dedicate himself to this training program. But due to a lack of income, he loses his apartment and ends up on the street with his son. At night, they sleep in various places. Sometimes they are able to stay at a church. One time they slept on the bathroom floor of the MacArthur BART station in Oakland. Meanwhile, he attends the training program every day while his son is at school. And at the conclusion of the training program, he has the best performance in the class and is offered a job, so the sacrifices were worth it.

From then on, it’s onwards and upwards. And after being in the securities field for five years, Gardner was able to start his own firm, called Gardner Rich & Company. By 1988, the revenue of Gardner’s company reached a record high and Gardner earned one million for that year. When Gardner turned 34 years old, he decided to buy himself a Ferrari as a reward for himself. This Ferrari was not red like the one that had inspired him to become a stockbroker. Instead, he bought a Ferrari that had once belonged to basketball legend Michael Jordan. And he got a customized license plate for it that read “NOT MJ,” meaning “I’m not Michael Jordan,” of course.

Gardner is now worth over US$60 million. He sold his shares in Gardner Rich & Company, and then opened a new company called Gardner International Holdings in 2006. Since then, he travels around the world as a motivational speaker and devotes much of his time to philanthropic causes. His story is an inspiration to many people. Meanwhile, he continues to share his story about how his struggles helped him become a success and, hopefully, a better person.

Gardner believes that where we came from doesn’t determine what we become. If it did, then he would “have become another alcoholic, wife-beating, child-abusing, illiterate loser,” to use his words. But he didn’t. He was able to rise above all of that. But in order to change one’s fate, one often has to struggle to overcome various limitations. For example, when Gardner switched from a medical-related field to the securities brokerage field, he brought no skills to the new field other than his ability to interact with people. In Gardner’s words, “I started at the absolute bottom, I scratched, fought, and worked my way up to the absolute top. I loved what I was doing, and I had an opportunity to learn from the best in the business. I had an opportunity to learn how it’s done at its highest levels.”

Environment, especially a difficult environment, is usually the best teacher. We can learn something from school and even learn from successful people; however, such learning only helps us to mimic the success of others. It doesn’t give us a great mind. Only conquering a challenging environment can allow us to have a truly great mind that can break new ground in one’s field. In life, the school of hard knocks is usually the best school.



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  • 江波龙









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