软件功能 - 示波器系统参考设计

来源:本站整理 作者:秩名2011年11月25日 11:40
[导读] 表2. 软件功能 Button Description Vertically scales the waveform. Horizontally scales the waveform. Shifts the waveform horizontally. Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press th
表2. 软件功能


Button Description
Vertically scales the waveform.
Horizontally scales the waveform.
Shifts the waveform horizontally.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the starting time at the left of the screen.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the ending time at the right of the screen.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the sampling time.
Enter a proper trigger-level value into this edit box.
Click on one of the two radio buttons to choose either rising-edge triggering or falling-edge triggering.
Press this button to receive input-signal data from the EV kit board and display the waveform on the screen.
Select this checkbox to receive continuous data from the EV kit and continuous updates to the waveform on the screen.
Press this button to redraw the waveform on the screen.
Press this button to exit the program.
Button Description
Vertically scales the waveform.
Horizontally scales the waveform.
Shifts the waveform horizontally.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the starting time at the left of the screen.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the ending time at the right of the screen.
Enter a value (in milliseconds) into the edit box and press the Set button to set the sampling time.
Enter a proper trigger-level value into this edit box.
Click on one of the two radio buttons to choose either rising-edge triggering or falling-edge triggering.
Press this button to receive input-signal data from the EV kit board and display the waveform on the screen.
Select this checkbox to receive continuous data from the EV kit and continuous updates to the waveform on the screen.
Press this button to redraw the waveform on the screen.
Press this button to exit the program.


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研华IoT嵌入式平台事业群总经理许杰弘表示,工业物联网 2009年就开始提出,至今缺乏临门一脚,现在是打开大门的时候了。研华WISE-PaaS物智联软件平台和...


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