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电子发烧友网>电子资料下载>电源技术>ADC / DAC的教程

ADC / DAC的教程

2017-09-15 | rar | 0.29 MB | 次下载 | 免费


  ADC / DAC教程


  ADC / DAC的教程

  Converting signals from analog to digital or digital to analog is an unavoidable task for today‘s engineer. There are many different kinds of analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters. While these differ in their architecture, they all work to achieve a similar end. Since digital signal processing cannot be done with analog values, it would be analogous to a French speaking person trying to speak with a German speaking person. It would not work without a translator. ADC and DAC devices can help to act like that translator. When an ADC sees an analog voltage, its job is to turn the analog voltage into a binary code at a given period of time. This means the ADC will sample the analog voltage at an instant, and then it determines what the value would be in binary on the output side of the ADC. The amount of samples that the device takes every second will be called out on its documentation. An example of this would be the MAX1118EKA+T from Maxim Integrated. This device has a 100 kHz sampling rate so it can sample the analog voltage on its input side 100,000 times per second. By being able to take that many samples in a second, it is possible to accurately log what the analog voltage looked like by using a binary interpretation. Sometimes the sample rate of an ADC is not high enough to accurately recreate its input which causes aliasing. This is where signals start to be indistinguishable from one another, or aliases of one another. Imagine a video camera that can take 24 frames per second when recording. For most applications this will be fine; however, if trying to view something that is moving very fast, this can distort the image. Recall the effect of watching a television on a recording in the late nineties. The image on the television would be flickering. This is because the refresh rate on the television itself is much faster than the recording can capture at its given frames per second. The image would be distorted because the video is actually a succession of pictures. There is more happening between each picture than is actually being represented on the video. The same kind of effect can happen with an ADC. To avoid this, it is pertinent to make sure the sample rate is at least two times higher than the highest frequency that needs to be transmitted. This is referred to as the Nyquist rate.

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